The LLB Fund Savings Plan – achieve your goals and seize opportunities

Take control of your financial future with our LLB Fund Savings Plan. The sooner you start, the sooner you will achieve your personal savings goals. Rely on the attractive long-term return opportunities offered by selected funds.

The Fund Savings Plan is the right savings tool for you if:

  • you want to build up wealth over time, even with small amounts
  • you want more than just interest on your savings account
  • you want to have access to your assets at any time, flexibly and quickly

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This is what makes fund savings so special and suitable

You stay flexible while adopting the modern approach to savings. With an LLB Fund Savings Plan, you make a good investment in your future.

These are the most common reasons why clients use funds to save:

  • To make personal life dreams come true: Whether a new car, a new home or a trip around the world
  • For children: A financial foundation for your child, grandchild or godchild
  • For paying off a mortgage or remodelling: Save the right way to reduce your mortgage or pay for remodelling when the opportunity arises
  • For retirement: Ensuring financial independence later in life
  • What would've happened if you invested 100 CHF monthly in the last 10 years?
    Securities prices can rise as well as fall, and information about past performance is no guarantee of future results. The indicated performance does not take into account costs for products and services, which have a negative impact on performance.