• EAM Powerhouse

    Personal and digital in four Alpine countries

The EAM Powerhouse – your own individual success story

Personal, digital and reliable – these are the core values of LLB Group’s EAM Powerhouse. Our core focus is on your needs as an external asset manager. Take advantage of the broad expertise of our employees in Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

We offer you comprehensive support at our three booking locations (FL/AT/CH)*, along with technological support and an extremely stable and secure banking partner – all from a single source.

LLB EAM Powerhouse

Your LLB Group

"We are at your disposal on the ground in Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and Germany."

Thanks to our group structure, you can choose to book your assets at one or more of our three booking locations (FL/AT/CH)*. This enables us to offer you unique individuality and security. In addition, you also benefit from the specialist expertise that we can pass on to you thanks to our membership of the most important professional associations. Regardless of which location you choose, one thing is certain: a partner with stability and an exemplary credit rating.

Our excellent standing as LLB Group is characterised by:

  • Strong positioning on home markets
  • A Moody's rating of Aa2 
  • A high level of equity, far above the legal requirements (tier 1 ratio)
  • A stable ownership structure (at least 51 % owned by the Principality of Liechtenstein, which has an AAA rating (S&P))

Benefits for you:

  • Access to one of the safest and most stable banks in the world
  • Holistic, personal advice provided by specialists
  • Modern digital solutions
  • System-independent interfaces
  • Digital onboarding of your clients
  • Choice of different booking locations (FL/AT/CH)*
  • Regulatory security

Stay informed by reading more here:

*The availability of the booking location is dependent upon the respective domiciles of the external asset manager and end clients